Complaint Forms
Complaint Process: Each step of this process should be completed in order to ensure a fair opportunity to resolve the issue.
1. Try to resolve the problem with the person in question.
2. If that does not result in a resolution, a staff member such as team leader should be notified of the issue and that staff member, administrator or counselor may mediate a meeting to resolve the conflict.
3. If that does not result in a resolution, complete the General Complaint Form and file it with the Executive Director. This may lead to an investigation of the matter at hand.
4. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the matter will be forwarded to the ACCS Board. If the grievance concerns the Executive Director or if issue was not satisfactorily resolved through step 4, mail form or letter to:
ACCS Board of Directors
P.O. Box 1560
Phoenix, OR 97535